Massage therapy is the manual manipulation of soft body tissues -- such as muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments. It enhances a person’s health and well-being and improves overall body system functions.
How it works
Swedish massage is a relaxing treatment that helps unclench the muscles in your body through the use of the practitioner’s hands and fingers. The five basic strokes are sliding or gliding, kneading, rhythmic tapping, vibration, and friction. The pressure can be varied depending on what you need and your tolerance.
The use of massage oil is optional and will be discussed before your treatment.
Conditions treated by massage therapy
Clients use massage therapy for preventative health care, to enhance overall health and vitality, and as a support for traditional Western medicine. Massage therapy may also help with specific conditions, such as:
Acute or chronic pain
Anxiety and depression
Asthma and emphysema
Back, leg and neck pain
Carpal tunnel syndrome (repetitive)
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Digestive disorders
Headaches and migraines
Injuries, sprains and strains
Joint pain
Lack of energy
Lower back pain
Poor posture
Sluggish circulation and body systems
Insurance coverage
Sho is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT). This means your treatments can be reimbursed by your extended health plan, according to your coverage. Alternately RMT expenses may be claimable on your personal income tax form under medical expenses.
A Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) in Ontario has the following qualifications:
Completed a 2-year study program at a recognized school of massage therapy
Passed an entry-to-practice competency exam to ensure safe and effective practice
Is accountable to the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario
Provides a receipt that is accepted by your extended health benefits plan for reimbursement