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Below is a list of questions that clients have asked about. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us by contact form, phone or email and we would be happy to provide you with more information.

  • What, if any, scientific evidence indicates that acupuncture works?"
    The National Institute of Health and the World Health Organization indicate the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating: Asthma Carpal tunnel syndrome Earaches Eye disorders Fibromyalgia Gastrointestinal disorders Headache Lower back pain Menstrual cramps Myofascial pain Nervous system and muscular disorders Osteoarthritis Respiratory disorders Sinus inflammation Stroke rehabilitation Tennis elbow Toothache Further research is likely to uncover additional areas where acupuncture treatments are useful.
  • Is acupuncture painful?
    The chance of pain is slight since we use very thin needles. Sometimes, however, some persons may experience minor discomfort - a sign the treatment is working. If you let us know, we can try to adjust your treatment slightly.
  • How is an acupuncture treatment conducted?
    You will lie on a massage table on your back or stomach, depending on which areas need to be treated. You will be draped with a sheet. The areas that need to be exposed to the needles remain uncovered.
  • Do I need to undress for my treatment?
    The location of the needles varies depending on your symptoms. In general however, we commonly treat the forearms, legs, back and abdomen. We ask you to undress for the treatment to your level of comfort. Only the part of your body that is being treated needs to be revealed and you will be draped with a sheet.
  • How should I dress for my treatment?
    It is important to wear loose clothing to ensure efficient blood, lymphatic and energy flow throughout your body during and after treatment. Women should avoid wearing one-piece dresses. It is also a good idea to dress in layers that can be removed to reveal key treatment areas and to avoid tight stockings. To avoid loss, do not wear jewellery.
  • What is the optimal length for each acupuncture treatment?
    We ask that you book treatments of at least 45 minutes. Many clients choose a 75 minute appointment, with needling combined with shiatsu.
  • How often should I schedule a treatment?
    The frequency of your treatments varies according to the nature of your condition. We will assess you and recommend a treatment schedule based on your unique case. For best results, it is important to follow the recommended schedule – just as when following a doctor’s prescription in terms of dosage, frequency and duration of prescribed medications to get the expected result.
  • How should I prepare for a treatment?
    Maintain good physical hygiene to reduce the chance of bacterial infection. It is advisable not to have your treatment on either an empty stomach or a full stomach. It is also best to avoid alcohol and vigorous exercises on the day of your treatment. Please avoid caffeine and hot baths immediately following your treatment.
  • How will my body respond to a treatment?
    Most patients feel relaxed and refreshed after treatments. Some may feel slightly drowsy, light-headed or even temporarily less focused due to the deep relaxation response. On rare occasions people may experience fatigue, dull aches or emotional reactions during or after treatment once the energy flow is unblocked. These sensations are only temporary. In cases of chronic illness, sometimes symptoms seem to temporarily worsen in a “healing crisis” – a positive sign that you are in a process of healing and rebalancing. Please phone or email us to let us know your concerns.
  • Under what circumstances should I avoid acupuncture?
    Acupuncture is safe and effective under most circumstances. However if you are ill with a high fever, have a cold or other infectious disease that could spread to other clients, we advise you to please reschedule your appointment. Also avoid scheduling a treatment when excessively fatigued or emotionally upset. We ask for 24 to 48 hours notice whenever possible before cancelling an appointment so that we may book other clients. Please call us to discuss any concerns.
  • Why might I choose shiatsu rather than acupuncture?
    Although acupuncture is stronger, if you are wary of needles or have localized muscle pain, you may prefer shiatsu. Clients also choose shiatsu when they prefer the sensation of deep pressure.
  • Do I need a specific complaint in order to have shiatsu?
    Not necessarily. In fact regular shiatsu treatments are part of a good preventative health care plan. They keep your mind-body in optional harmony and help ward off disease. Clients with muscular tension often prefer a mixture of shiatsu and Swedish massage.
  • What should I expect during a shiatsu treatment?
    The form of Japanese shiatsu we provide is normally done while lying on a massage table. You will remain fully dressed with no massage oil applied, unless combined with a Swedish massage, or Registered Massage Therapy (RMT).
  • What is the optimal length of a shiatsu treatment?
    Our clients often book a 60 or 90 minute shiatsu treatment combined with Swedish massage (RMT).
  • How should I dress for a shiatsu treatment?
    It is important to bring comfortable clothing to wear during your treatment to ensure there are no bodily restrictions. A track suit or loose cotton pants and shirt are suitable. Alternately, if you are combining your shiatsu treatment with Swedish massage (RMT) you may partially disrobe and will be draped with a sheet.
  • Is shiatsu painful?
    Not usually. Shiatsu is generally very relaxing. Unlike Swedish massage however, the treatments are localized because the finger pads apply pressure to specific spots. Sometimes certain pressure points may feel tender, often described as a “good pain.” This indicates trapped energies are being released. If you feel discomfort however, please tell your therapist so the pressure can be adjusted.
  • What is the difference between shiatsu and trigger point therapy?
    Shiatsu works with the meridians and organs to unblock energy flow. Trigger point therapy works with the muscles, joints, tendons and ligaments. We can recommend a treatment that is right for you, based on your specific goals.
  • What should I do on the day of a treatment?
    Avoid having a heavy meal before your treatment. It is advisable to rest for an hour afterwards since the process continues to work for awhile.
  • How will I feel after my treatment?
    Following a treatment, people often report a calm “lightness,” with more awareness of their bodies. You may have relief from their pain and symptoms immediately following a treatment, or within several days. Sometimes results are not seen until after several treatments however. In certain cases a “healing crisis” can occur where toxins are expelled from the body, allowing emotions and ailments hitherto suppressed to surface with symptoms such as fatigue, diarrhea or drowsiness. These are good indicators that the treatments are working.
  • How often should I receive a treatment in order to get results?
    The duration and recommended frequency of your appointments is tailored to your needs. We can advise you of your optimal treatment plan once we assess your condition. Some people schedule regular visits bi-weekly or monthly visits as part of their overall health maintenance plan.
  • Can shiatsu help with ongoing or incurable conditions?
    Yes. Shiatsu can help manage symptoms even if the problem won’t go away. Shiatsu can help boost pain tolerance levels, and the body can sometimes find new pathways to healing in states of deep relaxation.
  • What’s the difference between shiatsu and massage therapy, and how do I choose?"
    Shiatsu involves static holding techniques and localized pressure with the fingertips, while massage involves overall pressure from fingers and palms. Clients often ask for a mixture of shiatsu alongside their Swedish massage treatment.
  • What are the benefits of massage therapy?
    There are numerous physical benefits, including pain relief, balancing the nervous system, reducing stress, and providing better range of motion. Massage also lengthens tissues to relieve tightness, aches and pains, and improves posture. It stimulates blood circulation and movement of lymph fluids to relieve swelling and pressure. It strengthens the immune system for faster healing and helps fight off disease. In addition, it nourishes the skin, giving a glowing complexion. Emotional benefits include less anxiety and depression with a greater sense of well-being, and greater mental alertness.
  • What areas of my body get massaged?
    Before your treatment we will ask you to describe any bodily complaints and your goals for the session. This will help determine the areas of your body requiring massage. A typical full-body massage involves your back, neck, arms, shoulders, legs, feet and hands. However you can ask for just a specific portion that’s bothering you, such as your upper back and neck. You may also request a facial and scalp massage.
  • Must I remove all my clothing?
    No. We want you to feel comfortable. The decision is yours how much clothing to remove. Some people prefer to leave on their underwear and socks, while others bring a sports bra and shorts for their treatments. Regardless, you will be carefully draped with a sheet so that only the portion of your body the therapist is working on is revealed. Before and after the session you will undress and dress in total privacy. The therapist always knocks before entering the room.
  • What if I’m uncomfortable with a stranger touching me?
    It is normal for first-time clients to be apprehensive, but you will soon lose this fear within the first few minutes of your treatment. Registered massage therapists are licensed, trained professionals who respect your privacy. They will help you to feel comfortable during your session.
  • What should I do during the session?
    Simply relax and let yourself be taken care of. It helps to stay present in your body by gently focusing your breathing and the areas being worked on. Some people remain silent for their treatments, while others enjoy talking to the therapist during their treatments to share their physiological and emotional observations.
  • What if I experience an emotional release?
    Given the mind-body connection, sometimes old stuck energy gets unblocked during a massage which can bring an emotional release. Without warning, you may occasionally experience unaccountable feelings of sorrow, fear, anger or even tears. We suggest you stay rooted in your breath and your body and let the emotion runs its course, instead of blocking or overriding it. This will help with your overall healing.
  • Must the therapist use oil?
    Not necessarily. However best results generally occur through direct contact with the skin when lubricated with oil or lotion. You may request that no oil be used.
  • Will I be sore after the session?
    Most people feel very relaxed after a massage with greater relief from aches, pains and stress. However if you request a deep massage, you may experience some muscle tenderness for a day or two, as you do after a good, healthy workout. This is nothing to worry about. Once circulation is increased, detoxification is increased, sometimes causing minor effects.
  • When will I see results?
    Many people notice greater relaxation and pain relief immediately following a treatment, while others notice results in a day or two. Sometimes, however, it takes three or four treatments to see results, depending on the severity and longevity of your condition. Many people report better sleep patterns immediately following a massage. It is important to follow the instructions of your practitioner and perform the stretches and exercises prescribed for you between treatments for best results.
  • How often should I schedule treatments?
    Some people feel a few treatments are enough, while others use massage therapy as a regular weekly or monthly general stress-reliever to counteract a hectic lifestyle. In acute cases, massage therapy is most beneficial over a series of treatments, followed up with a maintenance plan or preventative treatments. Your massage therapists can help you establish a program which fits your physical needs and your lifestyle.
  • Should I cancel my appointment if I am sick with a cold or flu?
    If you are in the early and most contagious stage of a cold or flu - within the first 48-72 hours - please phone or email to reschedule your appointment. Whenever possible, we appreciate a 24 hr cancellation notice as other clients may be waiting to fill your spot.
  • Are RMT treatments covered under OHIP (the Ontario Health Insurance Plan)?
    No, however in some cases you may claim your medical expenses on your personal income tax form, including RMT, so please retain your receipts.
  • Does my extended healthcare insurance cover the costs of RMT?
    Yes, the majority do. Your specific insurance policy will indicate how much coverage you have each year. After each treatment we will provide a receipt with our registration number, which you should submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Some extended health care plans have online billing. In certain cases plans may require a doctor’s referral before scheduling an appointment. Please check your policy.
  • Is Registered Massage Therapy a regulated health profession?
    Yes. Only people who have completed the required training and have met the strict competency requirements of the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario (CMTO) can be called a Registered Massage Therapist with “RMT” following their names.
  • How do I know if I am using the services of a qualified Registered Massage Therapist?
    All RMTs have photo ID cards with their registration number, issued by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. You may ask to see this ID card if you wish.
  • Will my information be kept private?
    Yes. As regulated health care professionals, registered massage therapists must maintain the privacy standards set by the College of Massage Therapists of Ontario. The information you provide, both verbally and written, is kept in the strictest confidence.


Blackburn Hamlet,

Gloucester, Ottawa, ON

Opening Hours:

Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm 

​​Saturday: Contact us ​

Sunday: Contact us


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